Axiom Health Solutions Workshops
“Healthy to Age 100″
Healthy to Age 100 is a comprehensive lesson covering all five factors of wellness: nutrition, exercise, reduced exposure to toxins, nervous system function, and mental health. This is a one-hour workshop where you’ll learn:
- How 70% of healthcare expenses come from lifestyle-caused conditions.
- Indoles in leafy green veggies and lycopene in red veggies cut your risk of heart disease and cancer in half!
- How to de-stress on-the-job and promote teamwork
“Rocket Fuel Nutrition”
Covers the 3 biggest nutrition myths that are causing obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall sickness in people. You will learn the 3 simple changes you can make in your diet to get the biggest bang for your buck. Includes instruction on shopping and reading food labels. This is a very popular workshop for MOPS groups, clubs, corporate wellness days, lunch ‘n learns, etc.

“Stress Less”
In our Stress Less America workshop, we explain the keys to having more energy, increased longevity, and achieving unprecedented performance levels. In this 20-minute lecture we discuss:
- How stress leads to heart disease and high blood pressure
- The 3 Variables of stress: Physical, Emotional, and Chemical
- Solutions like the “Stop-doing list” and the “Mid-day Reset”
Learn More
To find out more about the workshops we hold in-office and out in the community, contact Axiom Health Solutions today!